Braces Can Straighten Your Teeth and Decrease Your Risk of Decay

BracesNot only will braces straighten your teeth, but they can also decrease your risk of decay. The appeal and health of your smile can impact your life in huge ways. A better smile will make you appear more approachable, and you will be perceived as more attractive and kind to others.

A straighter smile can boost your confidence and help you achieve more in your career and personal life. If you are ready to attain all these great benefits and improve the health of your teeth, visit us today.

Below are just a few reasons we encourage patients to visit us for braces

Bite Improvement

There are many different types of bite issues, extending from an underbite to an overbite or crossbite. If a patient has a bite imperfection, then he or she may be experiencing excessive wear on the surrounding teeth. If an individual does not fix a bite with braces, then he or she can experience permanent damage to the teeth and the potential to develop a temporomandibular joint disorder.

Instead of paying thousands of dollars in dental restorations in the future, spend less now to fix one's bite. By doing so, people can also improve the health of their jaw and surrounding teeth. 

Gum Disease

People with crowded, crooked, or out-of-place teeth are inadvertently putting extra stress on the gums. With these types of problems, it is harder to floss and brush properly. This leads to plaque and tartar (a harder form of plaque) building up under the gum line. The persistent presence of tartar leads to bad bacteria growth and gum inflammation in response. When this problem is not treated, chronic gum inflammation leads to bleeding, red, and irritated gums.

It can also turn into severe gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. Periodontal disease can be detrimental to the dental bone structure, causing tooth loss and jawbone malformations. It is also immensely painful when left untreated. Braces can prevent gum disease and gum irritation from developing.

Decay Avoidance

Crooked teeth lead to hard-to-reach places. This leads to decay. When plaque and bacteria cause eroding and thin enamel, the tooth is left vulnerable. If an individual already has some decay, then we must remove it and repair any damage before placing braces.

Once we straighten the teeth, then the patient will be able to reach every crevice to clean the teeth more thoroughly. The patient will also notice less tenderness and sensitivity to hot and cold due to decay.

Safer from Damage from an Outside Source

People who have out-of-place teeth are more at risk for breakage, especially if they play contact sports or lead an active lifestyle. Straightening teeth will move them into a safer place where they do not stick out and become the victim of blunt force. Straighter teeth will also allow people to wear proper protective mouth guards more comfortably and securely.

Call us today

If these reasons are not enough to encourage you to get braces when you need them, call Khorsand Dental Group at (760) 394-3082 or visit our El Centro dental office to learn more about the benefits of straightening your teeth.

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