Is It Ok To Pull Out My Loose Tooth?

If you have a loose tooth or if your child has a loose tooth, you are likely wondering how to proceed. You will undoubtedly be tempted to pull the tooth on your own. However, pulling a loose tooth can create some health issues. Here is what you should think about when dealing with a loose tooth.
Consider why the Tooth is Loose
Just because a tooth is loose does not indicate the permanent tooth is ready to emerge. In some cases, rambunctious youngsters will loosen one or several teeth when playing. If your child's tooth is knocked loose, your best course of action is to meet with the dentist. This professional's attention will help identify the true cause of the loose tooth and prevent damage.
If you cannot meet with your dentist, there is a chance that no further care is necessary. If the permanent tooth is starting to come in, the baby tooth roots will dissolve until the point where the tooth falls out in a painless and bloodless manner. Alternatively, if the tooth is not ready to come out on its own, any attempt to pull it out has the potential to tug on the sensitive roots and cause discomfort.
Let Nature Take Its Course
For the most part, if your child can handle the discomfort, it is best to leave the loose tooth in place. The tooth will wiggle until it falls out without outside assistance. This natural route mitigates the pain and saves a trip to the dentist.
Consider the Extent to Which the Tooth is Loose
Loose teeth in children are similar to hangnails. Some people would rather rip the nail right off, while others would prefer to clip it. Some simply want another person to eliminate the problem for them. When pulling out a loose tooth, the pain level is unique to each individual patient. If you are in considerable pain and the tooth just does not seem to loosen on its own, it might make sense to have the dentist pull it. Try to get a gauge of how much pain your child is in before making a decision.
In general, if there is ample movement back and forth or if your child has been playing with the tooth for weeks, the baby tooth will fall out. The question is when. If your child is tired of waiting or if you have an adult tooth that is loose, do not hesitate to meet with your dentist for a possible extraction.
Consider Whether the Loose Tooth Should Actually be Loose
What matters most is whether the tooth should actually be loose. If it is a permanent tooth, it should not be loose and extraction will be an option. If it is a baby tooth that will not fall out on its own and is proving frustrating or painful, extraction should be a serious consideration. When in doubt, do not hesitate to lean on your dentist for a thorough analysis and advice.
Call (760) 394-3082 today to reach Khorsand Dental Group.
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